Shelly Gas List
Wi-Fi Operated
CNG and LPG gas
Sound & Light alerts
Flame resistant
Scene activation
Endless use applications
Always be informed
Be the master chef in your kitchen and always protect your home from dangerous gas leaks! Now you can prevent your home from filling with dangerous explosive gas or fire hazards by simply plugging in a Shelly GAS in your kitchen. With its intelligent alerts, you will know when the device is warming up and ready to use, or whether the gas leakage is slight or heavy. If gas levels become dangerous, the device flashes a red light and sounds a loud alarm, so you can swiftly leave the area."
Be the master chef in your kitchen and always protect your home from dangerous gas leaks! Now you can prevent your home from filling with dangerous explosive gas or fire hazards by simply plugging in a Shelly GAS in your kitchen. With its intelligent alerts, you will know when the device is warming up and ready to use, or whether the gas leakage is slight or heavy. If gas levels become dangerous, the device flashes a red light and sounds a loud alarm, so you can swiftly leave the area."
Protect your home from gas leaks
Make sure your home is protected from possible gas leaks. Shelly GAS will notify you immediately in case it detects even the slightest leak - and together with the add-on, it can turn off the valve to avoid harm and property damage.
Make sure your home is protected from possible gas leaks. Shelly GAS will notify you immediately in case it detects even the slightest leak - and together with the add-on, it can turn off the valve to avoid harm and property damage.
Smart business protection
With the elderly in mind
Gas leaks are hazardous for older people; due to an impaired sense of smell and a shorter attention span, they can often forget to turn off their gas stoves when they’re done cooking and not notice a change in the air. Shelly GAS lets you have peace of mind that your elders are always safe, as it will immediately alert you if there is any amount of gas in your home. By creating scenes for when gas is detected, windows can be opened, doors unlocked, or even emergency lights turned on.
Gas leaks are hazardous for older people; due to an impaired sense of smell and a shorter attention span, they can often forget to turn off their gas stoves when they’re done cooking and not notice a change in the air. Shelly GAS lets you have peace of mind that your elders are always safe, as it will immediately alert you if there is any amount of gas in your home. By creating scenes for when gas is detected, windows can be opened, doors unlocked, or even emergency lights turned on.