Send Energy Data to Thingspeak cloud

Send energy metering data in watts to Thingspeak cloud

This Shelly GEN2 script automates sending energy consumption data (in watts) to the Thingspeak cloud platform via HTTP POST requests. The script collects the active power (watts) from a Shelly switch, formats it into a JSON object, and sends it to Thingspeak at customizable intervals. With easy API key configuration and the ability to send additional data like temperature, this script provides a simple solution for energy monitoring and integration with external platforms.

        // Shelly GEN2 script: HTTP POST - Send energy meter watts to Thingspeak cloud

// Settings
let tsapikey = "YOURAPIKEY"; // Copy from > Channels > Channel > API Keys > Write API key
let tsjsonurl = "";

// Assign watts to variable
let status = Shelly.getComponentStatus("switch", 0);
let watts = status.apower;
// let tempe = status.temperature.tC; // uncomment if you want to send temperature too

// Define timespan: minutes * 60 sec * 1000 milliseconds
let interval = 5 * 60 * 1000;

// Create JSON
let tsjson = {
	"api_key": tsapikey,
	"field1": watts // Change the field number as needed.
  // "field2": tempe // <- this can be used to send temperature too, just add comma to end of previous line

// Set timer which send the HTTP POST
  function () {"HTTP.POST", {"url": tsjsonurl, "body": tsjson, "timeout": 5});}